

30. Stream metabolism sources a large fraction of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in two hydrologically contrasting headwater streams

S. Bernal, M. J. Cohen, J. L. J Ledesma, L, Kirk, E. Martí, A. Lupon. Limnology and Oceanography.


29. Women in limnology: From a historical perspective to a present‐day evaluation

N. Catalán, M. Anton‐Pardo, A. Freixa, P. Rodríguez‐Lozano, M. Bartrons, S. Bernal, A. Genua‐Olmedo, C. Mendoza‐Lera, G. Onandía, X. Benito, M. M. Sánchez‐Montoya, M. Cañedo‐Argüelles, A. Pastor, A. Lupon. WIREs Water, e1616.


28. Interactions between microplastics and benthic biofilms in fluvial ecosystems: Knowledge gaps and future trends

H. Guasch, S. Bernal, D. Bruno, B. C. Almroth, J. Cochero, N. Corcoll, D. Cornejo, E. Gacia, A. Kroll, I. Lavoie, J. LJ Ledesma, A. Lupon, H. Margenat, S. Morin, E. Navarro, M. Ribot, T. Riis, M. Schmitt-Jansen, A. Tlili, E. Martí. Freshwater Science 41, 442-458.


27. Hydrology and riparian forests drive carbon and nitrogen supply and DOC : NO3− stoichiometry along a headwater Mediterranean stream

J. L. Ledesma, A. Lupon, E. Martí, S. Bernal. Hydrology and Earth System Science 26, 4209-4232.


26. Wastewater treatment plant effluent inputs influence the temporal variability of nutrient uptake in an intermittent stream

S. Castelar, S. Bernal, M. Ribot, S. N. Merbt, M. Tobella, F. Sabater, J. L. J. Ledesma, H. Guasch, A. Lupon, E. Gacia, J. D. Drummond, E. Martí. 2022. Urban Ecosystems.


25. Advancing river corridor science beyond disciplinary boundaries with an inductive approach to catalyse hypothesis generation

A.S. Ward, A. Packman, S. Bernal, N. Brekenfeld, J. Drommond, E. Graham, D. M. Hannah, M. Klaar, S. Krause, M. Kurz, A. Li, A. Lupon, F. Mao, E. Martí, V. Ouellet, T. V. Royer, J. C. Stegen, J. P. Zarnetske. 2022. Hydrological Processes 36, e14540.



24. Editorial: Watershed and Stream - The Inseparable Functional/Biogeochemical Unit.

C. Mendoza-Lera, N. Catalán, A. Lupon. 2021. Frontiers in Water, 3, 801389.


23. Hydrological responses to the extratropical cyclone Gloria in two contrasting Mediterranean headwaters in Spain; the perennial Font del Regàs and the intermittent Fuirosos.

J. L. J., Ledesma, A. Lupon, S. Bernal. 2021. Hydrological Processes, 35, e14451.


22. Towards women-inclusive ecology: Representation, behavior, and perception of women at an international conference

A. Lupon, P. Rodríguez-Lozano, M. Bartrons, A. Anadon-Rosell, M. Batalla, S. Bernal, A. G. Bravo, P. Capdevila, M. Cañedo-Argüelles, N. Catalán, A. Genua-Olmedo, C. Gutiérrez-Cánovas, M.J. Feio, F. Lucati, G. Onandia, S. Poblador, R. Rotchés-Ribalta, A. Sala-Bubaré, M.M. Sánchez-Montoya, M. Sebastián, A. Zufiaurre, A. Pastor. 2021. PlosOne, 16: e0260163.


21. Future changes in the Dominant Source Layer of riparian lateral water fluxes in a subhumid Mediterranean catchment

J.L.J, Ledesma, G. Ruiz-Pérez, A. Lupon, S. Poblador, M.N. Futter, F. Sabater, S. Bernal. 2021. Journal of Hydrology, 595, 126014.



20. Drought-induced biogeochemical responses in high latitude stream networks

L. Gómez-Gener, A. Lupon, H. Laudon, R.A. Sponseller. 2020. Nature Communications, 11, 1795.


19. Heterogeneous CO2 and CH4 patterns across space and time in a small boreal lake

B.A. Denfeld, A. Lupon, R. A. Sponseller, H. Laudon and J. Karlsson. 2020. Inland Waters, 10, 348-359.


18. Influence of dissolved organic matter sources on in-stream net dissolved organic carbon uptake in a mediterranean stream. Water 12: 1722.

A. Lupon, N. Catalán, E. Martí, S. Bernal. 2020. Water , 12, 1722.


17. Discrete groundwater inflows influence patterns of nitrogen uptake in a boreal headwater stream

A. Lupon, B.A. Denfeld, H. Laudon, J. Leach and R.A. Sponseller. 2020. Freshwater Science, 39, 228-240.


16. Early-career coordinated distributed experiments: empowerment through collaboration

A. Pastor, E. Hernández-del Amo, P. Giménez-Grau, M. Fillol, O. Pereda, L. Flores, I. Sanpera-Calbet, A.G. Bravo, E.J. Martín, S.Poblador, M.Arroita, R. Rasines-Ladero, C. Ruiz, R. del Campo, M. Abril, M. Reyes, J.P. Casas-Ruiz, D. Fernández, N. de Castro-Català, I. Tornero, C. Palacin-Lizarbe, M.I. Arce, J. Mora-Gómez, Ll. Gómez-Gener, S. Monroy, A. Freixa, A. Lupon, A.M. González-Ferreras, E. Estévez, P. Rodríguez-Lozano, L. Solagaistua, T. Rodríguez-Castillo, I. Aristi, A. Martínez, N. Catalán. 2020. Frontiers in Education, 5, 13.



15. The influence of the invasive alien nitrogen-fixing Robinia pseudoacacia L. on soil nitrogen availability in a mixed Mediterranean riparian forest

S. Poblador, A. Lupon, E. Martí, F. Sabater, S. Sabaté, S. Bernal. 2019. A. Lupon, J.L.J. Ledesma, S. Bernal. 2018. European Journal of Forest Research, 138, 1083-1093.


14. Supply, demand, and in-stream retention of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate during storms in Mediterranean forested headwater streams

S. Bernal, A. Lupon, W.M. Wollheim, F. Sabater, S. Poblador, E. Martí. 2019. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 7, 60.


13. Groundwater inflows control patterns and sources of greenhouse gas emissions from streams.

A. Lupon, B.A. Denfeld, H. Laudon, J. Leach, J. Karlsson, R.A. Sponseller. S. Bernal, A. Lupon, 2019. Limnology and Oceanography, 64, 1545-1557. Featured publication (top-cited 2019).



12. Behind the scenes: Mechanisms regulating climatic patterns of dissolved organic carbon uptake in headwater streams

N. Catalán, J.P. Casas-Ruiz, M.I. Arce, M. Abril, A.G. Bravo, R. del Campo, E. Estévez, A. Freixa, P. Giménez-Grau, A.M. González-Ferreras, Ll. Gómez-Gener, A. Lupon, A. Martínez, C. Palacin-Lizarbe, S. Poblador, R. Rasines-Ladero, M. Reyes, T. Rodríguez-Castillo, P. Rodríguez-Lozano, I. Sanpera-Calbet, I. Tornero, A. Pastor. 2018. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 32, 1528-1541.


11. Riparian evapotranspiration is essential to simulate streamflow dynamics and water budgets in a Mediterranean catchment

A. Lupon, J.L.J. Ledesma, S. Bernal. 2018. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 22, 4033-4045.


10. Riparian Corridors: A new conceptual framework for assessing nitrogen buffering across biomes

G. Pinay, S. Bernal, B.W. Abbott, A. Lupon, E. Martí, F. Sabater, S. Krause. A. Lupon*, S. Sabaté, F. Sabater. 2018. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 6, 47.


09. Decoupling of dissolved organic matter patterns between stream and riparian groundwater in a headwater forested catchment

S. Bernal, A. Lupon, N. Catalán, S. Castelar, E. Martí. 2018. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 22, 1897‒1910.



08. The influence of Mediterranean riparian forests on stream nitrogen dynamics: a review from a catchment perspective

A. Lupon, F. Sabater, S. Bernal. 2017. Limnetica, 36, 507-523. Invited featured.


07. Soil water content drives spatiotemporal patterns of CO2 and N2O emissions from a Mediterranean riparian forest soil

S. Poblador*, A. Lupon*, S. Sabaté, F. Sabater. 2017. Biogeosciences, 14, 4195‒4208.


06. Local and regional drivers of headstream metabolim: insights from the first AIL collaborative project

A. Pastor*, A. Lupon*, L. Gómez-Gener, T. Rodríguez-Castillo, M. Abril, M. Arce, I. Aristi, M. Arroita, A. G. Bravo, N. Castro-Català, R. del Campo, J.P. Casas-Ruiz, E. Estévez, D. Fernández, M. Fillol, L. Flores, A. Freixa, P. Giménez-Grau, A.M. González-Ferreras, E. Hernández-del Amo, E.J. Martín, A. Martínez, S. Monroy, J. Mora-Gómez, C. Palacin-Lizarbe, O. Pereda, S. Poblador, R. Rasines-Ladero, M. Reyes, P. Rodríguez-Lozano, C. Ruiz, I. Sanpera-Calbet, L. Solagaistua, I. Tornero, N. Catalán*. 2017. Limnetica, 36, 67‒85.



05. The influence of riparian evapotranspiration on stream hydrology and nitrogen retention in a subhumid Mediterranean catchment

A. Lupon, S. Bernal, S. Poblador, E. Martí, F. Sabater. 2016. Hydrology and Earth System Science, 20, 3831‒3842.


04. Contribution of soil nitrogen mineralization and nitrification pulses to soil nitrogen availability in three Mediterranean forests

A. Lupon, F. Sabater, A Miñarro, S. Bernal. 2016. European Journal of Soil Science, 67, 303‒313


03. Green light: gross primary production influences seasonal stream N export by controlling fine-scale N dynamics

A. Lupon, E. Martí, F. Sabater, S. Bernal. 2016. Ecology, 97, 133-144.



01. Riparian and in-stream controls on nutrient concentrations and fluxes in a headwater forested stream

S. Bernal, A. Lupon, M. Ribot, F. Sabater, E. Martí. 2015. Biogeosciences, 12, 1941-1954.


02. Climate response of the soil nitrogen cycle in three forest types of a headwater Mediterranean catchment

A. Lupon, S. Gerber, F. Sabater, S. Bernal. Ribot, F. Sabater, E. Martí. 2015. JGR ‒ Biogeosciences, 120, 859-875.